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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 08/04/04
AUGUST 4, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the Selectboard meeting of July 14, 2004, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion carried.

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the non-public Selectboard meeting of July 21, 2004, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion carried.

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the Workshop Selectboard meeting of August 2, 2004, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With 2 members in favor the motion carried.  Mr. LeClair abstained, as he was not present at the August 2, meeting.

Brenda Ferland advised that the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of July 21, 2004, will be kept on hold to allow further time for the Selectboard to read them, as they were quite lengthy.  

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the gravel crushing is complete.  Based on bids from two vendors rock salt went up $5.45/ton since last year; this is the State bid price.  He will purchase some from both vendors for now.  The crack sealing work will begin the week of August 16th rather than the 9th, as they are a week out because of the recent rain.  The stakes indicating a potential sidewalk route were moved to the north side of Sullivan Street.  The only issue is the guardrail.  Roadside mowing is done.  Paving should start on August 23rd on the South Hemlock Road.  Relative to the drainage issue on Main Street and the side street, the pipe was located and Claremont DPW staff came in with a camera.  Some jetting was started and after the pipes are cleaned out they will come back to continue with the camera work.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette advised that they have been putting in more meter pits, doing some maintenance on the buildings and getting the pump stations squared away.  Everything is coming together and he hopes to start construction on the pads in
September.  It will be done before cold weather. He is replacing the Francine’s water line coming down toward Acworth Road, as it is old cast iron.  Thunderstorms brought on a number of call-ins after hours.  There are some sewer projects he wants to work on but is waiting for the Selectboard to make a decision on Fling Road.  

Workshop Meeting:  A Workshop meeting was scheduled for Monday, August 9th at 3:00 pm with the Selectboard, Dave Edkins and Dave Duquette to talk about the pump stations.

Police Department:  Chief Smith reported that they had the bike auction last week and raised $168.25.  The funds will go into the Bike Safety program Kids and Kops program.  The radar sign is in but he is waiting for the paperwork from the State before he puts it out.  Other than that, it is chaotic as usual.  

Transfer Station:  Bob Davis said they are painting the inside of the new building and are getting that finished.  They are in the process of selling new stickers.  At some point he would like Keith Weed and/or the Highway Advisory Committee look at extending the paved area by the gate as he goes off the pavement when swinging in with his truck.  

Selectboard Office:  Pat Royce requested that the Selectboard approve a monthly expense of $19.95 to have electronic direct deposits for the employees’ checks.  Connecticut River Bank is willing to send someone over to do a training session.  It is a one monthly fee for all employees that want to participate.  The Selectboard approved this request.  Over time there will be a cost saving, as fewer paychecks will be used.

VIC ST. PIERRE - GREAT COUNTRY ROAD:  Vic St. Pierre advised that the Great Country Road was established in 1784.  He displayed sketches of the road including a profile view.  He is proposing to bring 1150 feet of this Class 6 road up to Class 5 standards and will follow the Town specs as laid out in the regulations.  In one spot the contours will have to be changed due to a low area and some dry wells will be put in.  There will be a hammerhead turn-around at the end of the upgraded road.  Soils Engineering used the same depth for the dry wells as was used at Wakeman Industries.  Vic St. Pierre would like permission to upgrade the Class 6 road and would like the Selectboard to indicate that the Town would accept it if it meets all of the specs.  Steve Neill felt that this needs to be given to Keith Weed and the Highway Advisory Committee for their review and they will bring their comments back to the Selectboard.  Dave Edkins noted that the Selectboard cannot accept the road until it is done but Vic St. Pierre cannot move forward with the proposed subdivision until he gets approval from the Planning Board.  The Selectboard agreed that in the past they have taken over roads after they were brought up to the Town specs.  Steve Neill brought up the issue of streetlights.  This is a rural area so the subject of safety will probably come up.  Brenda Ferland noted that sometimes people move in and then realize there are no streetlights.  Vic St. Pierre is not planning streetlights.   

PUBLIC COMMENT:  Mike O’Hearne:  Mr. O’Hearne advised that for some reason he did not get his water bill this year.  Now there is a penalty and interest and he requests that the Selectboard abate these them.  Pat Royce recently found out that two bills were stuck together.  She advised that Mr. O’Hearne has always paid on time in the past.

Jon LeClair moved to abate the penalty and interest on Mr. O’Hearn’s water bill.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Frank Delorier:  Frank Delorier had a number of comments about the Recycling Center and brought up the following issues.  First, he feels that the taxpayers put good money into this facility so everything needs to go over the scales for accuracy.  Estimating a pick-up truck full of construction/ demolition material is not the way to go.  A receipt should be issued to everyone. A flat fee for a refrigerator is okay but there should be a receipt.  Bob Davis responded that anytime something comes in it is looked at; there is a flat fee of $2.00 for anything under 20 pounds.  A receipt is made and every transaction is run through the computer; but not everyone wants a receipt.  The scale is calibrated in 20-pound increments.  They do not keep reweighing the tare weight of the same trucks that are there everyday.  The Tare weights are kept on record.  Mr. Delorier said things change on the trucks.  Brenda Ferland noted that this is wear-and-tear on the scales and that is an expense.  

Second, Mr. Delorier isn’t happy with the part-time help.  Sometimes they are talking on the cell phones in the compacter house; isn’t there something more useful for them to do.  Brenda Ferland responded that they watch what is being thrown in so somebody needs to be there.  Mr. Delorier feels that they should be there all the time watching for stickers but today nobody was there.  Bob Davis responded that they were down to two people today so there might have been a period of time when nobody was there.  

Third, Mr. Delorier said in the spring they had a problem with mud; it could stand some care from the grader.  Keith Weed said Bob Davis asked for a little grading and the Highway Department will take care of it soon.  Dave Duquette noted that some of the problem was because they put in the water and sewer lines.  

Fourth, Mr. Delorier said there are folding chairs all over the place.  We do not need a TV in the office for people to watch.  Brenda Ferland said there are break times and lunch times; they do not have a lot of time to watch TV.  Jon LeClair said the work is getting done.  Mr. Delorier noted that they are subcontracting the mowing but they used to do it themselves.  Steve Neill noted that we are now trucking our trash to Berlin so that is a cost saving to the Town.  Bob Davis is gone 7-1/2 to 8 hours on days that he makes the trip.  Bob Davis invited Mr. Delorier to come and visit the facility for a full day to see how much gets done in a day.  

Fifth, Mr. Delorier said they are trucking material to Berlin two times a week.  Would it be a benefit to the Town to hire someone to drive that truck back-and-forth other than Bob Davis?  The Town could eliminate one part-timer and hire the truck driver instead.  Steve Neill noted that truck driving is an expensive thing.  We need a certain amount of people to operate that facility; right now there are three part-timers and two full timers.  There was discussion regarding hiring a full time person with a CDL license to make the trips to Berlin and work at the facility (due to the fact that the Town is saving approximately $900 by making each trip to Berlin) and to eliminate one part-timer.  Steve Neill advised that the trips to Berlin were to be seasonal but this will be looked at in the fall during the budget process.                                     

Road Upgrade:  Bob Davis noted that the Highway Department is going to try an oil injection process on the South Hemlock Road.  He has been giving some thought to doing that on the road that he is upgrading to go into his subdivision for three houses.  If he does this procedure will the Town accept that road even though the process is not in the Town specs?  Keith Weed advised that this process has been around for fourteen years but it is new to this area.  Steve Neill advised that the Selectboard will ask the Highway Advisory for an opinion and then the Selectboard will give it consideration.

Aerial Fireworks:  Frank Delorier had some fireworks residue on his property this year.  Should there be some regulations?  Steve Neill advised that this is being addressed and there will be something in place before the next July 4th holiday.

Trees:  Brenda Ferland would like to walk and view the tagged trees on Main Street with Keith Weed before any cutting is done.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll was approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved by the Selectboard:  1) Seal Coating for a driveway-$365.00; 2) Water Department-Hurlburt Electric for electric work in North Charlestown-$609.05; and 3) Transfer Station-Roofing as the sky lights are leaking and the insulation is getting wet-$1,560.00.

Current Use:  The Selectboard signed the documents relative to the change of Current Use for the Shaw subdivision.

Hawker’s/Peddler’s License:  The Selectboard approved a Hawker’s/Peddler’s License for Donald LaCourse/Sullivan County REACT to sell cookies, brownies, cake and to have coffee, etc. at a “Safety Break” in front of the Library from Saturday, September 4th through Monday, September 7th, 2004.

Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission:  The Selectboard appointed Eric Lutz as one of the Town’s representatives to the UVLSRPC.

Finance Committee:  The Selectboard appointed Rick St. Pierre to the Finance Committee to replace Robert Beaudry who resigned.

Recreation Committee:  The Selectboard appointed Corey Matthews as a member of the Recreation Committee.


Planning Board:  A copy of the letter from Robert Frizzell of the Planning Board to Robert Beaudry acknowledging his resignation but asking him to reconsider was in the folder.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS):  The next meeting of the Sullivan County CEDS program will be held on August 19th at the Charlestown Municipal Building.  

State Parks and Recreation Office:  A letter was received from the State Parks and Recreation Office advising that the 2005 Land & Water Conservation Grants are available.  Dave Edkins sent copies to the Recreation Committee and the Conservation Commission.

Polling Place Accessibility:  A letter was received from the Attorney General’s office regarding polling place accessibility.  They did find some deficiencies at Charlestown’s polls.  Dave Edkins noted that some of theses can be addressed like signs, etc. but there are some that are not as easily addressed.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to have Dave Edkins respond, in writing, to request assistance with the deficiencies.

Signage:  Brenda Ferland feels that the Selectboard needs to consider signage indicating that this is a municipal building, a Town office and how people can get into this building.

Solid Waste Committee:  Dave Edkins noted that there is a memo indicating that Frank Delorier has expressed an interest in serving on the Solid Waste Committee.  Steve Neill said it would be passed on to the Solid Waste Committee.
Dave Edkins advised that everything has been covered above.

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Conservation Commission will not meet again until September.

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland said there have been no meetings this month.

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that they are going to set up a meeting soon.

Heritage Commission - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland said there have been no meetings.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported on the Planning Board meeting last night.  They approved a Sign Permit for the Leahy & Denault, LLP law office on Main Street.  They accepted as complete an application for a two-lot subdivision on Old Claremont Road.  The Planning Board tabled the fifteen-lot subdivision for Vic St. Pierre and also tabled the Charlestown Bible Church on Hammond Road.


Jon LeClair moved to adjourn the meeting.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                           Approved,

                                                        Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                        Brenda L. Ferland

                                                        Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the August 17th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)